Снежана Иванишевић де Барте: Ко је Степски соко (The Saker)?

Пре скоро тачно годину дана имадох сумњиво задовољство да наиђем на човека који се назива Степским соколом. Наш пословни однос је трајао мање од месец дана, с разлога о којима ћу нешто рећи касније. Растали смо се на гадан начин, па сам се зарекла да ћу открити његов идентитет и идеолошке настраности. До сада сам чекала због тога што су ми се приватно дешавале неке битније ствари, али, искрено говорећи, и зато што сам хтела да видим шта ће The Патак још да учини.

Who is the Saker?

Almost a year ago to the day, I had the distinct displeasure of meeting the man who calls himself the Saker. Our professional relationship lasted less than a month, for reasons I will outline below. We parted on rancid terms and I swore to him that I would make his identity and ideological shortcomings public. I have waited until now due to milestone events in my own life and because, frankly, I was waiting to see what the loon would come up with next.

As of the end of last year, I had been following the Saker blog for several years to get news of events in Donbass and when I learned he was looking for volunteers for a Serbian sister site, I applied for the job. My original idea was to contribute some translations on an ad hoc basis but Saker had just had a major falling out with the whole Serbian team and sacked the previous team leader, Aleksandar Jovanovic. He described Mr. Jovanovic as ,,a talented translator with paranoid psychotic tendencies". I didn't delve too deeply into the dispute at the time (my mistake!) but later I did discover Mr. Jovanovic was quite sane, and rather a nice guy.