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Only in Serbia: Man sells egg carton as a laptop cooler

BELGRADE – At the auction website “Limundo” a bid was completed a few days ago for a “collectors item” – an unusual notebook cooler, and the seller managed to gain a whopping 1,010 dinars ($9).

The user sold an egg carton with a claim that it is equally functional as a stand for laptop with a fan, writes “Telegraf”. The seller, using nickname Goldie7, says that the egg carton is extremely efficient in coooling of laptops, “no less than lightening, bright, buzzing and other kind of coolers you can find on the market”.

The creative cooler even has a name – “JELENO”, and the seller offerred an explanation on the website:

    J (Jeftino – Cheap) – There is no cheaper on the market
    E (Ecological) – there is absolutely no harmful radiation
    L (Light) – you will enjoy in the ease of use whether you are sitting in a chair, bed or any place you choose to use your laptop at.
    E (Economical) – it does not require any energy, not takes up a USB port on your laptop
    N (Nothing to be broken) – there is nothing on it to be broken (unless you pour enormous amount liquid on it), and even if it gets broken, there is no easier task than to find another one
    O (Odgovara – Fits) – it fits all sizes of laptops and tablets

Извор:Only in Serbia: Man sells egg carton as a laptop cooler | InSerbia News 

Приредио: Александар Јовановић

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