Опасно: "Мајкрософтов програм вештаче интелигенције за линукс десктоп је најузбудљивија технологија 2016. године"

Извор: Out of control AI will not kill us, believes Microsoft Research chief - BBC News


Линукс је само условно бесплатан. Не плаћате га новцем, већ временом, учењем, захтевима и себи и другима. И још увек не може без енглеског језика, на жалост. Зато нема превода овог, крајње алармантног чланка.

Изгледа да је био у праву један пингвиниста форумаш, кад рече да је боље да нас нема преко садашњих 2% (десктоп). Јер кад праве газде "Мајкрософта", "Епла" и сличног виде озбиљну конкуренцију - биће опасно.

Зато што је слободи таква природа.

Mycroft AI for Linux Desktops Is the Most Exciting Technology of 2016


The new technology should arrive in April

Mycroft for desktop is one of the most anticipated pieces of technology in 2016, and its makers have decided to make the wait even more unbearable with a new video announcement.

The reason many Linux users are so excited about Mycroft's coming to the desktop is because there is nothing really like it out there. There are a few other promising solutions and some speech-recognition pieces of software, but nothing as advanced as Mycroft is.

Some of you might not be all that interested in Mycroft because you probably don’t really understand the potential of such technology, which also happens to be open source. In a couple more years, we’ll be able to completely control our PCs by voice, with the help of the integrated AI. Technically, anything that you do right now with your fingers on a computer, you’ll be able to do with just voice commands.


Mycroft, play Avengers on Netflix


The video released by the Mycroft IA team is pretty cool, and it shows a few of the uses that can be found for an AI, although they are barely scratching the surface. Users could get to talk to the computer and give instructions on what to do, and that even includes something like compiling an application in a terminal, for example.

For the time being, the Mycroft AI is still under development, along with the desktop version. The team is already in contact with Canonical and they will make it available for Ubuntu, at first. Since it’s open source, it will be released for any Linux distribution.

For now, we can only look at the video and imagine how it will be like. Fortunately, we won’t have to wait too long since it should be here in April. As a side note, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is also scheduled for April. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


Извор: Mycroft AI for Linux Desktops Is the Most Exciting Technology of 2016 

Приредио: Александар Јовановић / Ћирилизовано

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