и патриотско-русофилски некоректно, и транспарентно нетолерантно, и недемократски...
Russian Universe: Worldview of a Xenopatriot
Ћирилизовано: Највише да би смо вам представили још један веб сајт, а и с надом да ће чланак доћи до неког српског самомрзитеља. Они најрадије читају језик окупатора, делом и зато нећемо превести текст. Но, чињеница је да би се у преводу доста изгубило, па ако умете, уживајте у овом раду који не описује само "Russian Universe".
Worldview of a Xenopatriot
I’ve just found a picture [this is my
edit of Patriot’s version below] illustrating the views expressed on
this blog: the West and Russia are the ideal Other for each other. It’s a mirror thing: be it ‘Russian reversals‘, ‘whataboutism‘ or ‘Russian/Western propaganda‘, etc.
Xenopatriotism’s symbol of faith is revealed in this proverb: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Quasi-Colonial Facehugger (Russian species) is one of the stages in the life cycle of Russia’s Xenopatriot. For more info click here.
It is possible to provide an analysis of the modern phenomenon which becomes increasingly pathological. It is Russophobia
of some Russian people who are highly respected by the way. They used
to tell us (and they really thought so) that what they hate about Russia
is injustice, lack of freedom of press, etc. That’s why they love
Europe so tenderly for it indisputably possesses all these features
which are not present in Russia.
And what do we see now? As Russia’s achieving greater freedom asserting
itself more and more, these gentlemen’s dislike of Russia is only
getting more intense. In contrast,we see that
no violation of justice, morality and even civilization allowed in
Europe does not reduce their predilection for the latter. In
short, a phenomenon I’m referring to is all about instincts not
principles and it is the nature of these instincts which should be
sorted out.
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