Александар Јовановић: Не било вам тешко...О неким аспектима Новог феудалног поретка

Преузето са: Feudalism Then and Now - The Amendment Gazette

Прво цео избор уредништва "Глобал рисерча", можда најпрестижнијег извора "лажних вести", а затим неколико мојих предлога - све на исту тему, иако се "Нови феудални поредак" нигде експлицитно не помиње.

1. Selected Articles: Lethal War Propaganda, Total Surveillance UK, Cashless EU, Ontario Attacks BDS | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

- How War Propaganda Keeps on Killing

By Robert Parry, December 08 2016

A key reason why American foreign debacles have been particularly destructive mostly to the countries attacked but also to the United States is that these interventions are always accompanied by major U.S. government investments in propaganda. So, even when officials recognize a misjudgment has been made, the propaganda machinery continues to grind on to prevent a timely reversal.

- Total Surveillance: Snooping in the United Kingdom

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 08 2016

The UK-based Liberty Campaign expressed it most glumly. “The Government’s new Snoopers’ Charter (also known as the Investigatory Powers Bill) will allow the bulk collection of all our personal information. Who we talk to; what we say; where we are; what we look at online – everything.”

- The European Union Initiates Cashless Society Project

By Graham Vanbergen, December 08 2016

A few months back The Guardian ran an article stating that “Swedes are blazing a trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment” as if the cashless society was something to be celebrated by modern society.

- The Ontario Government’s Attack against Palestinian Rights. Condemns BDS Campaign

By AJ Withers, December 08 2016

On December 1st, 2016, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario officially condemned the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to end Israeli apartheid. Ontario Conservative MPP Gila Martow, who introduced the motion, likened the BDS campaign to the Ku Klux Klan. Both the Liberal and Conservative parties supported the motion; only five New Democrat Party Members voted against it. But, this isn’t the first time that Israel’s occupation of Palestine has been raised at Queen’s Park. A successful campaign against the boycott of Israel won the passage of the Discriminatory Business Practices Act in the 1970s making it illegal for businesses to participate in this and many other boycotts. This law is still on Ontario’s books.
Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

2. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter Become the Gatekeepers | New Eastern Outlook, али и супротност, сраман чланак Политика Online - Интернет фирме удружене против екстремистичких садржаја.

3. Hillary Clinton Attacks 'Fake News' on the Internet | TMZ.com

Најновије оглашавање вештице. Битку за председништво је изгубила, али...бар не крије шта (и она) спрема.

4. Captain America 2: Winter Soldier is Real | Jay's Analysis

Е, због овог текста нисам превео први избор "Глобал Рисерча", How War Propaganda Keeps on Killing. Кад год одем на веб-сајт Џеја Дајера задржим се сатима. Овога пута сам прво налетео на Kingsman: The Secret Service – Ultimate Conspiracy Film? | Jay's Analysis, али пођох хиперлинковима и ...скинух и одгледах "Капетан Америка 2: Војник зиме". Избегавам продукцију препуну технолошких трикова, али нема везе...само да кажем да је Дајер, мислим, потпуно у праву: господари Новог феудалног поретка, или "технократска криптократија" како их назива Дајер, своје планове скривају пред нашим очима.

Александар Јовановић / Ћирилизовано, на
BunsenLabs Linux

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