Предлози за 14.септембар

 1.  Election reporting | IRRUSSIANALITY

"And yet, that’s not what you’d think if you went by the stories in the Western media today, which focused almost entirely on miniscule gains by supporters of opposition activist Alexei Navalny. ‘Russia opposition makes gains in local elections,’ ran the headline on the BBC website. ‘Navalny allies win council seats as Putin’s party claims victory’, said that in the Guardian. ‘Alexei Navalny’s allies claim council wins in Russia local elections’, shouts Deutsche Welle. And so on. You’d imagine that the elections were indicators of some significant shift in the political tide."

2.  The Trojan Donkey - Doug Casey's International Man 

"Kamala Harris, his presumptive vice president, dropped out of the presidential race in December 2019, when her popularity amongst democrats dropped to 3.4%. Since democrats make up roughly half of the population, this means that less than 2% of Americans would have wanted her as their president.

And yet, as stated above, candidate Biden announces, “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else.”

"On the one hand, the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter is the arguably the most lethal and versatile aircraft of the modern era. Three unique variants have been produced so that the aircraft can fit the needs of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and United States Marine Corps. It is an agile aircraft that has radar-jamming abilities, supersonic speed and stealth capabilities. It has been widely adopted by American allies and partners and could remain in service well into the 2070s."

Чињеница да је Ф-35 летећа цигла ('but.. but the f-35 is a flying brick with no speed' - Page 2 - WAFF - World Armed Forces Forum.), на пример не сме да лети повлажном времену, америчким медијима не смета, то је, а како би другачије, "несумњиво најубитачнији и  најсвестранији авион данашњег доба". Јадно.

4. И зато, да би макар у рату против талибана и сличних имали некакве шансе: Америчке подморнице ускоро ће носити по двије нуклеарне бомбе мале снаге - ИН4С

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