Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/30/2020 - 20:20
In an interesting choice of venues, Bill Gates has just published his latest editorial in the Nikkei Asian Review, the English-language flagship of the Japanese financial publishing and data giant. In it, the billionaire Microsoft founder argues that the US and its European allies should dedicate more government funds for guaranteeing supplies of vaccines for poorer countries, which don't have the wherewithal to strike deals like the $2 billion agreement that Washington struck with Pfizer.
Hoarding supplies of vaccines isn't just wrong, Gates argues, it's counterproductive - since the only way we can truly eradicate COVID-19 is to vaccinate everyone, in every country.
But it's not just a question of donating supplies. The Western world and its leading corporations must collaborate with government to start ramping up supply chains to ensure that production of billions of doses of the vaccine can be produced quickly once emergency approval has been granted...
Hoarding supplies of vaccines isn't just wrong, Gates argues, it's counterproductive - since the only way we can truly eradicate COVID-19 is to vaccinate everyone, in every country.

But it's not just a question of donating supplies. The Western world and its leading corporations must collaborate with government to start ramping up supply chains to ensure that production of billions of doses of the vaccine can be produced quickly once emergency approval has been granted...
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