1. Ене, сетио се:
Лепо од амбасадора Чепурина што и он рече коју о непостојећим испорукама оружја Русије Хрватској током "домовинског рата". Дао је и објашњење зашто се тек сад јавља: "Овај информациони напад је био остварен уочи прославе за Русе и Србе светог празника Васкрса – да буде што болнији те да се смање могућности реаговања.” Али боље икад него никад, а можда ћемо до следећих празника добити одговор зашто се Путинова Русија хвали да је прва признала нову усташку државу и да је код југословенског руководства интервенисала да јој се деблокирају аеродроми, и зашто је уложила и улаже толики новац у хрватску куповину српске земље и српских компанија.
До тада, а нарочито ако болујете од сумње а хтели бисте да будете нормалан српски русофил и Путинов апологета, обавезно читајте "Србин инфо" и "свако мало" дописника му из Загреба, Мислава Хорвата.
Балканске медијске интеграције на чепуриновски погон. Само, радујем се случају, неће проћи: општа неписменост што царује продуктом самопрозваног "Белог анђела" и Чепуринов лендовлук и некомпетентност ће дати резултат супротан жељеном. Ваљда. Не треба потцењивати, не само русофилску, него општу склоност одабиру искључиво "позитивних" чињеница. Неки коментари ипак дају наду. На пример:
2. Још да је на ћирилици:
3. Ако се бавите научним радом или сте само приљежнији у читању научних радова...
5. Каква реклама! Надзиру, али...
- Ljajić: Referendum u Turskoj bez posledica po Srbiju i region - Ministar trgovine i turizma Srbije Rasim Ljajić izjavio je u Dnevniku RTS-a, odgovarajući na pitanje da li će rezultati referenduma u Turskoj uticati na stanje u Srbiji i regionu, da za Srbiju to ne znači mnogo...
- MoA - Goodbye Turkey - ...Turkey does not have the economic and intellectual power to become a new Ottoman Reich. It will fail in new expansive endeavors. But the attempt alone will be destructive for Turkey as well as for the countries around it...
- Anatomy of a referendum that Turkey’s Erdogan won – Indian Punchline - ...Erdogan may well step up the “Islamization” agenda, tapping its huge resonance in the Anatolian heartland. In regional politics, this will manifest as “muscular diplomacy”...
- MSM pundit says Turkey's referendum result is bad because.....PUTIN! - London's Independent newspaper has published an analysis of Turkey's referendum result that is absurd even by the standards of pro-Erdogan propaganda literature...
Georgia: Five-Year-Old Prince Prepares to Reign | EurasiaNet.org - ...The Bagrationi dynasty had ruled Georgia from the 10th century until the early 19th century, when Russia colonized Georgia and abolished the monarchy. The Bagrationis were duly absorbed into the Russian aristocracy. Most dispersed to Europe after the Russian Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union, but some began to trickle back after Georgia regained independence in 1991, and the restoration of the monarchy became imaginable, if not yet plausible. Prince Nugzar Bagrationi Gruzinski is the son of one of the few Bagrationis to have remained in Georgia, a dissident poet, and is the direct descendent of the last king of Georgia. But Prince Nugzar’s daughter, Anna, was already married – to someone outside the Bagrationi line – and had two daughters. As it happened, though, she divorced in 2007, and Ilia set her up with a Spanish-born distant cousin, Davit Bagrationi-Mukhraneli....
Карикатуру сам ставио само да привуче пажњу на још једно откриће "Месечара":
Не разумем зашто преводи текстова "Месеца Алабаме" немају већу читаност. Ал' добро, мени мање посла.
14. Политичка примена науке, благо речено...
16. Сазнао и "Спутњик"...
Александар Јовановић / Ћирилизовано, на BunsenLabs Linux-у
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РУСКИ АМБАСАДОР ЧЕПУРИН ОШТРО ОДГОВОРИО: Спиновања о испоруци С-300 Хрватској су лаж и провокација | СРБИН.ИНФО - Aмбасадор Русије у Србији Aлександар Чепурин каже да су спиновања о наводним испорукама Хрватској ракетних комплекса С-300 из Русије "лаж и провокација"... |
Лепо од амбасадора Чепурина што и он рече коју о непостојећим испорукама оружја Русије Хрватској током "домовинског рата". Дао је и објашњење зашто се тек сад јавља: "Овај информациони напад је био остварен уочи прославе за Русе и Србе светог празника Васкрса – да буде што болнији те да се смање могућности реаговања.” Али боље икад него никад, а можда ћемо до следећих празника добити одговор зашто се Путинова Русија хвали да је прва признала нову усташку државу и да је код југословенског руководства интервенисала да јој се деблокирају аеродроми, и зашто је уложила и улаже толики новац у хрватску куповину српске земље и српских компанија.
До тада, а нарочито ако болујете од сумње а хтели бисте да будете нормалан српски русофил и Путинов апологета, обавезно читајте "Србин инфо" и "свако мало" дописника му из Загреба, Мислава Хорвата.
Балканске медијске интеграције на чепуриновски погон. Само, радујем се случају, неће проћи: општа неписменост што царује продуктом самопрозваног "Белог анђела" и Чепуринов лендовлук и некомпетентност ће дати резултат супротан жељеном. Ваљда. Не треба потцењивати, не само русофилску, него општу склоност одабиру искључиво "позитивних" чињеница. Неки коментари ипак дају наду. На пример:
2. Још да је на ћирилици:
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Nebojša Katić - Iz drugog ugla | Da li ste probali Linux? Vaš bloger je zakleti Linuxovac. - Vodeći svetski mediji i zapadna politička elita zabrinuti su zbog lažnih (ili „lažnih“) vesti koje kolaju internetom. Kontrolori svetskog virtuelnog prostora poput Gugla ili Fejsbuka intenzivno rade na razvijanju algoritama koji bi trebalo da spreče širenje lažnih vesti. Ako nekome to možda izgleda kao početak cenzure, to je samo zato što opisane inovacije upravo to i jesu – uvod u cenzuru interneta i ogorčena borba da se monopol na laž, kao i do sada, zadrži u vlasništvu najuticajnijih zapadnih medija. Lažne vesti nisu fenomen koji je nastao juče. On je star koliko su stari i mediji, ali se sve do juče niko nije previše uzbuđivao zbog toga. Naprotiv, laganje je bilo sastavni deo slobode štampe, a često i omiljeni instrument informisanja javnosti. Napraviću ovde malu, nadam se funkcionalnu digresiju. Vratiću se u prošlost kako bih na primeru Singapura pokazao kakav je odnos prema lažnim vestima bio u vremenu pre interneta... |
3. Ако се бавите научним радом или сте само приљежнији у читању научних радова...
The 20% Statistician: Five reasons blog posts are of higher scientific quality than journal articles
"1. Blogs have Open Data, Code, and Materials
When you want to evaluate scientific claims, you need access to the raw data, the code, and the materials. Most journals do not (yet) require authors to make their data publicly available (whenever possible). The worst case example when it comes to data sharing is the American Psychological Association. In the ‘Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct’ of this professional organization that supported torture, point 8.14 says that psychologists only have to share data when asked to by ‘competent professionals’ for the goal to ‘verify claims’, and that these researchers can charge money to compensate any costs that are made when they have to respond to a request for data. Despite empirical proof that most scientists do not share their data when asked, the APA considers this ‘ethical conduct’. It is not. It’s an insult to science. But it’s the standard that many relatively low quality scientific journals, such as the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, hide behind to practice closed science.
On blogs, the norm is to provide access to the underlying data, code, and materials. For example, here is Hanne Watkins, who uses data she collected to answer some questions about the attitudes of early career researchers and researchers with tenure towards replications. She links to the data and materials, which are all available on the OSF. Most blogs on statistics will link to the underlying code, such as this blog by Will Gervais on whether you should run well-powered studies or many small-powered studies. On average, it seems to me almost all blogs practice open science to a much higher extent than scientific journals..."
Google Boycotted Easter... Again » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - Mark Dice’s latest video exposes how Google has opted out of decorating their homepage for Easter for over fifteen years. Google decorates their homepage for almost every holiday, even the most obscure ones. They have taken heat in the past for promoting Black Lives Matter and Asian-American revolutionary Yuri Kochiyama who looked up to Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tung and Osama Bin Laden...
5. Каква реклама! Надзиру, али...
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Četvrtinu ljudi seksualno uzbuđuju njihovi virtuelni asistenti - B92.net - ...Jednu od četiri osobe uzbuđuje glas njihovih virtuelnih asistenata. U najnovijem istraživanju marketinške kompanije Mindshare, proučavano je kako ljudi reaguju na tehnologiju zasnovanu na upotrebi glasa. Analizirane su emocije 100 ljubitelja te vrste tehnologije, a rezultati su pokazali da čak 26 odsto osoba ima seksualne fantazije u vezi sa svojim virtuelnim asistentima... |
- Ljajić: Referendum u Turskoj bez posledica po Srbiju i region - Ministar trgovine i turizma Srbije Rasim Ljajić izjavio je u Dnevniku RTS-a, odgovarajući na pitanje da li će rezultati referenduma u Turskoj uticati na stanje u Srbiji i regionu, da za Srbiju to ne znači mnogo...
- MoA - Goodbye Turkey - ...Turkey does not have the economic and intellectual power to become a new Ottoman Reich. It will fail in new expansive endeavors. But the attempt alone will be destructive for Turkey as well as for the countries around it...
- Anatomy of a referendum that Turkey’s Erdogan won – Indian Punchline - ...Erdogan may well step up the “Islamization” agenda, tapping its huge resonance in the Anatolian heartland. In regional politics, this will manifest as “muscular diplomacy”...
- MSM pundit says Turkey's referendum result is bad because.....PUTIN! - London's Independent newspaper has published an analysis of Turkey's referendum result that is absurd even by the standards of pro-Erdogan propaganda literature...
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Syrian instability and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: war is inevitable — Politics, Russia — EADaily - The last Russian-U.S. confrontation in Syria seems to have ebbed but the question – what consequences it might have for other trouble spots and particularly the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict – is still there. For the time being, Nagorno-Karabakh is not on the map of possible Russian-U.S. conflict. It is just an instrument for both the Kremlin and the White House to pressure Armenia and Azerbaijan and to influence the policies of Iran and Turkey. Подробнее: https://eadaily.com/en/news/2017/04/15/syrian-instability-and-nagorno-karabakh-conflict-war-is-inevitable... |
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В Центральной Азии создается новый альянс: Туркмения, Казахстан, Узбекистан — Новости политики, Новости России — EADaily - Сегодня, 18 апреля, президента Туркменистана Гурбангулы Бердымухамедова ожидают с рабочим визитом в Астане. По мнению экспертов, этот визит будет иметь больше ритуальный характер, хотя мог стать основой для возникновения нового центральноазиатского альянса с участием Казахстана, Узбекистана и Туркменистана. Триумвират видится перспективным в сотрудничестве по вопросам безопасности и в реализации региональных проектов в транспортно-логистической сфере. Подробнее: https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2017/04/18/v-centralnoy-azii-sozdaetsya-novyy-alyans-turkmeniya-kazahstan-uzbekistan |
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Završio drugi fakultet u 60. godini - Ozonpress :: internet portal - ...Doktor Mihailo Luković završio je Medicinski fakultet u Beogradu 1976. godine. To nije bio kraj njegovog usavršavanja, usledila je specijalizacija za infektivne bolesti 83., a potom i iz epidemilogije 90. godine. Novi životni izazov usledio je 1992. godine osnivanjem privatne lekarske ordinacije “Febris”, ali ni tu se ne zaustavlja. Dečački san da završi i Filozofski fakultet rešio je da ostvari 1999. godine... |
Georgia: Five-Year-Old Prince Prepares to Reign | EurasiaNet.org - ...The Bagrationi dynasty had ruled Georgia from the 10th century until the early 19th century, when Russia colonized Georgia and abolished the monarchy. The Bagrationis were duly absorbed into the Russian aristocracy. Most dispersed to Europe after the Russian Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union, but some began to trickle back after Georgia regained independence in 1991, and the restoration of the monarchy became imaginable, if not yet plausible. Prince Nugzar Bagrationi Gruzinski is the son of one of the few Bagrationis to have remained in Georgia, a dissident poet, and is the direct descendent of the last king of Georgia. But Prince Nugzar’s daughter, Anna, was already married – to someone outside the Bagrationi line – and had two daughters. As it happened, though, she divorced in 2007, and Ilia set her up with a Spanish-born distant cousin, Davit Bagrationi-Mukhraneli....
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Аутор: Guido Kuehn
Карикатуру сам ставио само да привуче пажњу на још једно откриће "Месечара":
"MoA - Trump Enthrones Erdogan - Destroys All Trust In U.S. Diplomacy - ...Why did Trump reverse it? Has this five year old tweet something to do with it?
Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump Thank you Prime Minister Erdogan for joining us yesterday to celebrate the launch of #TrumpTowers Istanbul! 1:56 PM - 20 Apr 2012"
Не разумем зашто преводи текстова "Месеца Алабаме" немају већу читаност. Ал' добро, мени мање посла.
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Kosovo kupuje helikoptere - ...“Nakon opsežnih diskusija, odlučeno je da se obave proceduralna pitanja kako bi se uspostavio kontakt sa prestižnim kompanijama o kupovini helikoptera. Premijer Mustafa je naglasio da opremanje državnih institucija s helikopterima i povećanje vazdušnih kapaciteta koji do sada nisu postojali, neophodno je za suočavanje vanrednih civilnih ili drugih situacija unutar zemlje”, stoji u saopštenju Vlade... |
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The controversy of Jared Kushner: A suspected gangster within the Trump White House -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net - Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has emerged as a significant influence within the policy-making apparatus of the White House. After a rather public imbroglio with Trump's strategic policy adviser Stephen Bannon over the U.S. cruise missile attack on the Shayrat airbase in Syria, Kushner is "in", as they often say in Washington, and Bannon is "out". In any case, the anti-globalist faction, which is led by Bannon, has received verbal "thumbs down" on several fronts from Trump... |
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Nikki Haley Humiliates America, Grovels Before Israel At AIPAC Summit - In an unparalleled display of fealty and subservience, the United States’ Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, sat before an AIPAC (American-Israeli Political Action Committee) and proclaimed all the horrors visited upon the Zionist settler state under the Obama administration as well as all the things the United States has done to support Israel since Trump came to power. In other words, she set up a perfect representation of the narrative that has existed all along; i.e. despite the fact that the Obama administration was an unwavering supporter of Israel, giving historical amounts of money and assistance to the settler state, pledging loyalty to the colony, and actively helping to destroy Israel’s self-made enemies, Obama is still considered a “weak” supporter of Israel... |
The Official James Petras website » Judeo-Centrism: Myths and Mania - ...Fake Anti-Semitism: Operational Weapon of the Ethno-Centric Jews Fake anti-Semitism is most recently seen in the launching of series of anti-Semitic ‘threats’ by ethno-centric Jews to create hysteria, serves many purposes following the recent rise of populism in Europe and the election of the American President Donald Trump who had promised to withdraw the US from wars in the Middle East. First, it secures widespread support from North American and European regimes, especially when Israel is criticized throughout the world and at the United Nations for its war crimes in occupied Palestine. Widespread fake anti-Semitic attacks divert attention to Judeo-ethno centrists and validate their claims to be the first among the history’s victims. Second, widely publicized ‘fake’ acts of anti-Semitism arouse the ethnocentric foot soldiers and increase rich donor contributions to the illegal Jewish settlements and the Israeli military. Third, ‘fake anti-Semitism’ is used to threaten, repress and outlaw any organizations and individuals who criticize Israel and the influence of Jewish ethnocentric organizations in their home countries...
14. Политичка примена науке, благо речено...
Aliens, very strange universes and Brexit – Martin Rees Q&A - Martin Rees is Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics, at the University of Cambridge, the Astronomer Royal, a member of Britain’s House of Lords, and a former President of the Royal Society. The following interview was conducted at Trinity College, Cambridge, by The Conversation’s Matt Warren... |
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The 25 Rules of Disinformation - ...1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues. 2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit. 3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such “arguable rumors”. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a “wild rumor” which can have no basis in fact... |
16. Сазнао и "Спутњик"...
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Казахстан латиницом „бежи“ од Русије - Европским и светским лингвистичким круговима као бомба је одјекнула вест о контроверзној одлуци председника Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбајева да у тој бившој совјетској републици најкасније до 2025. године спроведе комплетну реформу званичног писма... |
Александар Јовановић / Ћирилизовано, на BunsenLabs Linux-у
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